7 Mar
1 min

Make peace not war – letter from our CEO

I am against the war, against Putin, against a regime that oppresses the country and attacks other peaceful nations. This should not happen in our civilized society and should be eradicated. People's dreams, plans, and lives have been destroyed in a week of the war, and there can be no excuse for it. 

What is happening now is nothing short of barbaric. Putin's regime does not recognize the law, moral norms, or simple human love. I moved from Russia years ago when Russia took over Crimea, and the dawn of lawlessness was already visible. 

Seeing Ukraine being trashed when my colleagues are there, waiting every day to hear from them not about the tasks they have done, but whether they are alive – it hurts. My whole being is against what is happening. 

To know that in one week, 7000 thousand people in Russia were beaten and detained at peaceful protests against the war, to expect the introduction of martial law from one day to the next now – it hurts too. I also know that many people in Russia, fooled by propaganda, support this war – it hurts even more.

The tragedy that is happening now will hurt everyone. We all live on the same planet. People can debate, argue, and disagree about different topics, but a line unequivocally divides good from evil can't be crossed. And evil has to be stopped. 

I am against the war, against Putin, against a regime that oppresses the country and attacks other peaceful nations. This should not happen in our civilized society and should be eradicated. People's dreams, plans, and lives have been destroyed in a week of the war, and there can be no excuse for it. 

Now, like all sane people in the world, we are helping people in Ukraine in any way we can. We are also telling the truth about the war to those in Russia who are cut off from it. We want them to see what's really happening now. And we will continue to do everything we can. 

One person can do little, but when each of us takes responsibility and does something without looking back at our neighbor, friend, or public opinion, a strong and free society is formed.


7 Mar
1 min

Make peace not war – letter from our CEO

I am against the war, against Putin, against a regime that oppresses the country and attacks other peaceful nations. This should not happen in our civilized society and should be eradicated. People's dreams, plans, and lives have been destroyed in a week of the war, and there can be no excuse for it. 

What is happening now is nothing short of barbaric. Putin's regime does not recognize the law, moral norms, or simple human love. I moved from Russia years ago when Russia took over Crimea, and the dawn of lawlessness was already visible. 

Seeing Ukraine being trashed when my colleagues are there, waiting every day to hear from them not about the tasks they have done, but whether they are alive – it hurts. My whole being is against what is happening. 

To know that in one week, 7000 thousand people in Russia were beaten and detained at peaceful protests against the war, to expect the introduction of martial law from one day to the next now – it hurts too. I also know that many people in Russia, fooled by propaganda, support this war – it hurts even more.

The tragedy that is happening now will hurt everyone. We all live on the same planet. People can debate, argue, and disagree about different topics, but a line unequivocally divides good from evil can't be crossed. And evil has to be stopped. 

I am against the war, against Putin, against a regime that oppresses the country and attacks other peaceful nations. This should not happen in our civilized society and should be eradicated. People's dreams, plans, and lives have been destroyed in a week of the war, and there can be no excuse for it. 

Now, like all sane people in the world, we are helping people in Ukraine in any way we can. We are also telling the truth about the war to those in Russia who are cut off from it. We want them to see what's really happening now. And we will continue to do everything we can. 

One person can do little, but when each of us takes responsibility and does something without looking back at our neighbor, friend, or public opinion, a strong and free society is formed.


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